Senator Simonaire is active in our community!
Passing Meaningful Local Legislation.

Senator Simonaire listened to Community Members
and led the effort to pass the following legislation
Anne Arundel Property Tax Breaks for Seniors Act
Protecting Children from Sex Offenders Act
Continuing Online Education Act
Making Classrooms Safer Act
Maryland Clean Waterways Act
Neighborhood Crime Prevention Act
Fallen Soldier Privacy Act
Funeral Safeguards dealing with Anti-military
Protesters Act
Victim Right's Protection Act
Loretta's Law - Power of Attorney Protection Act
Historic Freetown Renovation
Click to see more of Senator Simonaire's legislation.
Personally visits every District 31 school.

Local High Schools
Chesapeake High School
Glen Burnie High School
North County High School
Northeast High School
Local Middle Schools
Brooklyn Park Middle School
Chesapeake Middle School
George Fox Middle School
Marley Middle School
Local Elementary Schools
Belle Grove Elementary School
Bodkin Elementary School
Brooklyn Park Elementary School
Fort Smallwood Elementary School
Freetown Elementary School
Glendale Elementary School
High Point Elementary School
Jacobsville Elementary School
Lake Shore Elementary School
Marley Elementary School
North Glen Elementary School
Park Elementary School
Pasadena Elementary School
Point Pleasant Elementary School
Riviera Beach Elementary School
Solley Elementary School
Sunset Elementary School
Local Charter and Private Schools
Chesapeake Science Point Charter School
Eagle Cove School
St. Jane Francis School
Involved to Preserve our Waterways.

Successfully sponsored Clean Waterways Act;
Created the Annual Chesapeake Summit in Anne Arundel Co.
Appointed to the Joint Committee on the Chesapeake
and Atlantic Coastal Bays Critical Area;
Member of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation;
Toured our Water waste facilities multiple times;
Visited oyster hatchery at Horn Point;
Participated in Magothy River Assc's Oyster boat trip;
Creates Successful Student Events.

Elementary Schools
Young Heroes Essay Contest
Senator's Chess Challenge with Students
Senator's No TV Challenge for Students
Chesapeake Summit and Environmental Awards Ceremony
Middle Schools
Senator For A Day Essay Contest
Senator's Chess Challenge with Students
Chesapeake Summit and Environmental Awards Ceremony
High Schools
Chesapeake Summit and Environmental Awards Ceremony
Working to Reduce Crime

Introduced Legislation for Drug Free Zones
in our Public Parks and Recreational Areas;
Successfully co-sponsored 'Maryland Gang Prosecution Act';
Successfully sponsored 'Get Tough on Sex Offenders Act';
Successfully sponsored 'Neighborhood Crime Prevention Act'
Successfully co-sponsored 'Anti-Drug Nuisance' legislation;
Attended police briefings on gang violence;
Communicating community problems to local police dept;
Founder of Heroes At Home.

Involved in Educational Activities.

District 31 High School Graduations
District 31 High School Awards Ceremony
Career Days at local Schools
Constitutional Day at local Schools
Mock Job Interviews for High Schoolers
Community Event Nights at local Schools
Honor Roll breakfast ceremonies
High School Educational Summit
Good Citizen Awards at local elementary school
Volunteering at Middle School celebrations
PBA's Cheeseburger Paradise Honor Roll event
Science Fair Guest Speaker
And many others, too numerous to list.
Attends various community meetings.

Numerous Community Association Mtgs
Ribbon cutting for new local businesses
Pasadena Business Association Mtgs
Riviera Beach Volunteer Fire Co. Fundraiser
Brooklyn Park Townhall Mtgs
Glen Burnie Townhall Mtgs
Pasadena Townhall Mtgs
Opening Day Parades and Ceremonies
Eagle Scout Award Ceremonies
Stoney Creek Gun Club Mtgs
Fundraisers for local sports teams
Fundraisers for local charitable events
Brooklyn Park Constituent Night
Glen Burnie Constituent Night
Pasadena Constituent Night
And many others, too numerous to list.
If there is an event you would like me to attend,
please let me know.